Sunday, June 10, 2012

random thoughts

I've always dreamt of becoming a good poet or a writer who could produce remarkable masterpiece.
It could be of any type;literature,academic article or a mere opinion..sort of journalist or columnist in a newspaper.

I admire those writings,although I'm actually quite picky in reading those stuffs.
I read according to my mood,except for my law books,where I'm left with no option but to read *giggles*
Sometimes I could be very enthusiastic in reading political issues which I think not many peers of my age would do so,err well on majority basis.And there'll be other times where I could indulge myself in reading best-selling author's novels,and there'll be other times where I would crave for magazines,haha.I'm so unpredictable like that.

But I'm surprised with myself that I would be growing up like this,a girl that loves to read,although not so consistently.I don't know where I got this trait,I find the art of reading is an essential key for all of us to get to know what's going around in this world,besides socialising with people.I find those who are book lovers to be kind of attractive too,haha,random it is!Those people are worth looking up to,coz when they start speaking,you know they won't be full of crap,well at least you could trust them more than those people that don't read much.

But that doesn't make anybody who doesn't keep the habit of reading to be useless,coz knowledge can be acquired in many ways.It's just that reading is one of an informal way of learning.You can do it anytime,and that makes you substantially a knowledgeable person...if you know what you're reading and capable of making analysis or review.

Back to what leads me in writing this out ; becoming a good writer.I wish I could one day.I really do.I want people to read my stuff and appreciate every bit of it,in a way that my writing would inspire them or potential in becoming a good reference,either in formal or informal occasion.I believe writing is a strong tool for us to attract the mind of the people,that's are what you read!

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