Monday, July 21, 2014


i gonna make this time's post as short as possible coz I'm too tired to think of a lengthy one bahaha..furthermore i'm at work place, which means it's gonna be a hassle if i wrote in lengthy (ni pun sebab bos xmasuk2 lagi!)

so,i just, reconciled with my ex....
i, actually am not really surprised yet not also forseeing this to happen too..*conflicting much*

to make it short,
he came back asking(not begging) if we could still make it.
this has actually been the 2nd time for him to ask...and i finally agreed..oh noo not immediately of course.
I took approximately 2 days to give it a thought..and finally i agree to give it a try..

so,,,the reason being???
-I still have feelings for him that I think I took into consideration what he said to me which was more or less something like this ; " I know we're going to be okay...I'm serious about this but still, we won't know what would happen in the future.....and the fact that you're good enough for me"

I didnt fall head over heels la for sure...I just gave it a thought and I think his words kind of make sense to me...

I've also considered the fact that he doesn't want to talk me everyday 24/7 coz through that, i'm not gonna be a clingy person,like I used to be...and being clingy is one of the main cause of our previous separation..and that made me feel kind of bad for myself too...

But no high hopes this time!Maybe if it's meant to be, Allah will make it easy for us,insyaALLAH..I've also had in mind that I don't want to get attached too much to him this time around ; no over-thinking, no 24/7 texting...even if he decided not to have a date or call me anymore pun, I'd accept,insyaAllah..

to some this may be one of the rarest kind of r/ship,but let it be.This is my 3rd time already with him,thus i shall be more careful and relaxed,but of course I'm serious

Another thing is. I hope he will not distract me much from my focus on  my future in becoming a future lawyer/any job i'd take,my resp. as a daughter and most importantly as a servant of Allah....critical attachment is a big NO this time, ameen...

Allah knows best and thus, I'd pray the best for both of us :)

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