Monday, July 7, 2014

My first hi in 2014!hehe

Wehhh lama tak datang sini...haha...
I think this is my first 2014 post ever....*round of applause* *strumming guitar string* *drum rolls* (amboi jah byk beno mukadimah)

Okok..let's get straight to the post.
So what actually made u turn up after yearss(hiperbola la skit),landlord??


Well,it's for the very sole reason of this:I miss writing so so mucho mucho much..

I think I've had a seriyes prob of not being able to come up with a creative writing piece despite the fact that I am a law student(ada kaitan kerrr..) ehehehe yeah sort of la!I read a lot..n write a lot too..but then I suck at creative that's kind of a waste laa..coz supposedly you must be getting better at with the fact that u are a uni student know you sorta need to get the hang of writing impeccably...yeah!

So emm.basically,I come back for the sole purpose(for the time being) of improving my writing skills...altho I intend to make my blog private,but yeah at least I could pour something I'm no good with my eww buruk kotzz(read;malas tulis tgn..ehhe...)Yes,I know for a fact that to make u better at anything,get someone to supervise you...but emm..later la wahahaha...

So emmm I actually have lotsa things to tell...yela elok la lama sgt kot hilang mehehehe...but let's do one by one and slowly wokies?dun rush into anything hehehe....

So yeah...for a fresh start..I mean for the year of 2014,this is it!kita story mory later la nohh?wehooo....toodles!

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