Sunday, March 27, 2016


There are a lot ,well a couple of them to be more realistic,of things that I want to improve or work on in my life as of now.To think of them itself, always put me in an overwhelming state,but on another hand it's good to know that I am doing what a psychologist always presses on us -self-reflection, which in fact is an Islamic act too 😄 

Further, the transition from a teenage life to adulthood gives me a lot of things to work on in the pursuit of becoming a better person as an adult since some (well most of them actually) acts and thoughts that I've nurtured during my teenage life are no longer...emm relevant,if I may put it?

So here they go..the things that I feel I should pay more attention to for the sake of making my adulthood more fulfilling (at least that's what I thought) :-

1.Harnessing my deteriorating communication and interaction skills (even among the family member)

2.Practising mindfulness at all times
-during my teenage and uni days,I used to be a hardcore overthinker,to the point that if there's a job of such,I'll get the highest pay simply because I'm just,darn good at it 😂-overthinking drives my thoughts wild,makes me anxious and overwhlemed while I'm at it,and not to forget-gives me the hard time to think and act clearly..but now things seem to be improving,thanks to my 22 y/o self whom had made initiatives digging up stuffs to read and ponder about mindfulness

3.Prioritising my love and thoughts for my Creator-we all know that when we always think or even love something or someone,it will inadvertantly leads to attachment,even without us realising.Some of us are blessed with the ability to detach from something much easier,but some of us need to struggle for that.I've always been the victim of attachment,especially for the past 3-4 years because of the ever popular cause of it among us all-relationship.I've been struggling with this mental disease and more often than not,the process of detachment makes me feel regret with my own inability to cope with it.So just recently,I began to think what's the cause of this,because surely Allah does not bestow me with this weakness for me to give in,this must be among all the things that are created to test me as His servant,at least from religious point of view.And yes,I think I've found it, surprisingly without really digging it up in conscientious manner-reconsidering my prioritisation of love and thoughts.We always hear the religious people always advocate for love for Allah before anything else,but have we ever reflected as to why they keep on telling us when we start searching for our Mr Right and Mrs Right? Yes obviously, I admit I dont, and I'm so doomed for not internalising this all this while.When we put our love for Allah above everything else,we'd accept the good and most improtantly, the bad things happening in our lives.Even if things that do not go our way,we'd be able to accept it-I mean yes we'll cry,we'll be upset but it's not gonna be dreadful if you believe in the One that you love most 😉-come to think of it,thats kinda sweet right? And tell me, has He ever left you during your weakest point of life whenever you search for Him?Now dont you think this is the truest love of all?Subhanallah.It takes a lot of practice and of course patience to reach to this point,but if you asked me how did I ever end up being at this level,I'd say it's the miracle power of Dua'-tirelessly and endlessly..I always pray to Allah to make me among the pious,to grant me the chance in being among those righteous persons,and I think He's fixing our relationship first--Alhamdulillah,may it get better day by day ameen

4.Improving my writing skills
This has no direct connection with becoming an adult hahaha I know that.The thought of becoming good in my writing skill stems from the realisation that I'm a law graduate whom people look up to and put sucha high expectation in their ,among others ; writing skill.I know I dont owe anything to anyone for this,but I'd like to think and do that this is one of the great things I can offer to people.Besides, writing is my passion.I user to have a blog that I passionately updated at least once every 2-3 weeks and god knows how therapeutic writing can be to some people-including myself.Writing skill,is also one of the greatest attributes anyone could have being in the professional line.So yeah,I'm taking this thing seriously now and one of the plan of actions is to be active in blogging again ahahahaha,how's that? Of course that's not all as I've also considered going for class-but god knows when teheeehehe-ok let's pray and seriously execute that!

Oh wow..panjang noks mak tulis..not sure if this is just another once-in-a-bluemoon post,well let's hope it's not! I think that's it for now.It's such a huge relief to know that I've put everything into   writing because it takes a huge chunk of commitment from my current life now haha propa minah ni bajet busy betul(more like buat2 busy seriously).okay last word-let's pray Allah make all of the above easy to be realised..ameen 

'You can have it all.Just not all at once'-Oprah Winfrey ☘words to live by

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