Saturday, September 8, 2012

blabbers on money

yes you read that.
I'm gonna blabber2 like there's no tomorrow about money for this post.
huaaaaaaaaaa sound so emotional lah kan?period ka?pfftt

Money money money oh money.
I'm a no employee nor anybody's breadwinner yet I sound like I'm earning some money for someone else kan?
haha.sah!memang emo tak bertempat aku ni.

But whether I'm yet to earn or not,I think life is fair enough to let me face this prob which I'm sure everyone else does too,especially to those who's having a family to take care of or to those who live in poverty (May Allah ease your burden and grant you strength to face the hardship).

Although I'm still studying and all I have to think of is to get good grades and in financial matters, I just have to focus on myself, but reality bites hokay!Ok, let's focus this blabber(errkk) on money.Let's see what (usually) a student in university or college does when money is in their hand,dayyum

1.Settle the tuition&hostel fees-excluding those whom are sponsored by their parents
2.Buy books and stationaries
3.Buy their own meals
4.Reload for prepaid!-excluding those who subscribe to any data plan,and usually this monthly bill is sponsored by parents too!
5.Shopping,hang out,movies blablabla

Ok this is the general expenditure that a University/College student has,although each point varies to certain degrees,according to their own pocket money and other factors like the cost living of the place they live in.

But however good your financial planning is, sometimes it puts your life on the brink,doesn't it?I had been in that situation, but err am not sure for how many times,haha.All I could say is it's pretty hard and unhappy.Moreover when you live in a city!woah the temptation is just so irresistable  for you to have fun whenever weekend arrives, and not to mention if you've had a hard time battling with the tough, stressful lectures and assignments-.-

So I think of all points, number 5 seems to give us headache the most,isn't it?haha.irony betul.Number 5 is supposed to let you loose yourself from the hustle and bustle of your daily life as a student, but the reality is ,sometimes it is not!haha *cryyyy*

Because more often than not, we have to admit that the prob that always comes our way when we want to berjoli is money,kan?

It hurts to know that that you have to control your nafsu when it's at its peak(erkk ayat kau) because of money.Moreover if you come from a family yang tak berapa senang or family that leads a moderate life.

As in my situation(so here's the real story lah sebenarnya hikhok), number 5 tu lah yang menyedeihkan ohohohoh :(

I'm planning to buy a digital camera, and the budget must not be(yeah, i've decided this affirmatively)  RM800.At the same time, I'm planning to buy an external hard disk.

For the digi cam, I personally think it is quite important,coz in my family, no oe owns a camera T_T.okla2 my eldest sis owns one, but that's hers, and for god's sake she has her own family now that she doesn't live with us.So takkan nak menyibuk kamera orang kot....

Plus, i love taking pictures.And, if i were to do that with my handphone, oh boy I just own a blackberry 9300,with only 2mp camera and no flash, to add up.Pathetic yessss I know that

As for the external hard disk, I think I need it too,for the sake of my laptop's longevity.It's only a netbook and I can't simply store everything from pictures(loads of them) and movies coz that would affect the performance of my netbook ; slow , easily hung :((

So to put it simply i need these two which will cost me roughly RM1000

So let's take a look at the money in hand emm

rm 50000-rm1165 of tuition and hostel fees= RM 3800++

So that would be the balance.

I know it suffices.And the budget I've provided to buy those gadgets is just I know (personally) rationale enough.

But the problem is I'm quite reluctant.huaaaaaaaa.

conclusion : It's a mixed feelings of spending on things that not only you've ever wanted but needed!dayyum.

kbye.enough babbling.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Minggu lepas adalah minggu yang agak istimewa bagi aku.
Istimewa bukan kerana ada sambutan khas untuk aku atau dapat hadiah ke.
Istimewa sebab aku rasa dekat dengan agama.

Minggu lepas aku uzur,tak solat.tapi alhamdulillah,aku isi masa aku dengan aktiviti yang berfaedah sebagai pengisian rohani.For the first time in my life, I listened to a video-recorded talk by Mufti Menk.
Sebelum ni pernah download talk by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf,tapi aku tak dengar pong.huhu.
Bila aku tak bukak video tu,aku rasa aku  ni belum ready untuk dengar lagi kot talk2 melalui youtube ni,or aku tak minat.

Tapi aku silap.Last week has changed everything.Alhamdulillah.Memang ini yang aku tunggu2 pun sebenarnya.Sebab?Aku memang dah lama nak diri aku ni lebih 'prone' kepada benda2 mcm ni bila surf internet.I don't want to make internet to be everything about entertainment,twitter,blog and etc.I want more than that.Yang boleh membina rohani dan intelektual aku.Barulah bermanfaat.

Jadi let's cut to the chase je lah k?
Sebenarnya,istimewanya minggu lepas adalah kerana apa yang aku lakukan minggu lepas dah buat aku percaya,yang manusia ni boleh berubah,dengan izin Allah.Tapi firstly,kenelah ada keinginan tu dulu,coz Hidayah tak datang bergolek.

Bila dah terfikir pasal nak berubah2 ni,aku pun rasa teruja.But of course I don't want to be hasty to make such a big 'U-turn'(u-turn kepada fitrah manusia).Sebab Allah sendiri pernah berfirman jangan terburu2 dalam melakukan sesuatu.

Dan benarlah,besar hikmahnya ayat Allah itu.Why?iman manusia ni cepat naik,cepat turun.Hati juga senang berbolak balik.
Bila kita diuji,tiba2 rasa dekat kepada agama tu boleh hilang sekejap je kan?Tambah2 lagi syaitan and nafsu dah standby awal2 nak jatuhkan kita.Astaghfirullahalazim...

Benda ni buat aku terfikir.Kenapa jadi macam ni?Kenapa Allah tak teguhkan hati aku supaya kukuh atas jalan ni....

Lama jugak baru aku dapat jawapannya.
Aku yakin 80% ini adalah sebahagian daripada jawapannya,InsyaAllah.

1.Aku tak istiqamah dalam menjauhkan diri daripada benda2 lagha.
Benda ni nampak kecil,tapi bila dah dibiasakan,hati akan jadi lemah,nafsu pun begitu

2.Aku terlupa agaknya,nak berubah,kena cari environment yang betul,guru atau pembimbing.Tapi aku kat mana?Kat rumah.Siapa je kat rumah ni yang nak ajak aku buat kebaikan,emm maksud aku nk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah?....

Untuk reason no. 2 tu,aku tak bermaksud kita tak boleh berubah langsung kalau kita tak berada di tempat yang betul.Cumanya,perubahan tu mungkin akan mengambil masa dan barangkali akan terbantut dan sukar.Meh bagi analogi lah senang; Kalau kita bawak kereta yang pancit tayarnya dan enjin pun tak berapa nak elok,agak2 sampai tak kita ke destinasi yang ingin dituju?Jawapannya,mungkin ya,mungkin tidak.Ada kebarangkalian sampai,tapi mungkin agak lambat dan penuh dengan kepayahan.Mungkin juga tak sampai!Sebab tayar betul2 pancit dan enjin betul2 mati di pertengahan jalan.

Konklusinya di sini,
Aku berazam dan berdoa agar Allah bagi peluang untuk aku berubah i.e panjangkanlah umurku,Aminnn
For that, Aku berdoa Allah permudahkan rezeki aku dalam bentuk kewangan dan lain2(kesihatan,kelapangan etc) so that aku boleh beli kereta sendiri satu masa nanti(dalam masa terdekat,after graduate ke) supaya aku boleh keluar dari rumah ni pergi majlis ilmu sendiri.Takyah la nak susahkan family aku,kan.Lgaipun tiada siapa dalam rumah ni yg berpotensi(setakat ni) yang aku tengok boleh ajar agama kat aku.Lepas tu, duit yang aku ada tu juga bolehla pergi mana2 seminar keagamaan ke dan pergi kelas2 agama.Boleh timba ilmu,insyaALLAH

Impian aku yang paling besar,InsyaALLAH, aku harap aku boleh keluar dari rumah ni (apa2 cara lah,ALLAH lebih tahu e.g kahwin, sambung belajar,bekerja etc) so that aku boleh cari environment yg lebih baik untuk aku berubah.Kemudian,aku nak preach to all my family members untuk berubah sekali ke arah yg lebih baik.Aminnnnnn

That's all for now.Toodles :)