Monday, May 25, 2015

Life as a future graduate's been a while since I have been writing in here.Almost a year already,I bet?
Wohooo for starter, wowww that's quite long..

Well to make things clear, I think that's not really an issue because when I first decided to re-indulge myself to the world of blogging,I did not promise myself to be a regular blogger--i write only when I feel like to.So, almost-a-year of hiatus is nothing to be made fuss about okay?hihi

As I'm writing this,I have just finished with one of my final paper for my final semester in uni (yeah you read that--final sem wehoooo).Strangely speaking, I am enjoying every bit of my final exam--although there still are unpleasant moments that I wish I could avoid asap-yeap the none other revision time,teheeee.I think this time around I feel happier, a lot happier studying or in other words learning new stuffs, albeit it's the dull and boring academic stuffs.why is that?? Well maybe because I have a changed vision towards the knowledge I gain--I begin to take my homework seriously where I would do it perfectly as much as I could. And that applies to the way i revise too.I used to be that 'taqlid' girl who only memorises stuffs without even bother (much) what the topic is really all about--while others actively making commentaries,identifying the weaknesses and etc.To put it simply,I have begun to have the interest analysing the stuffs I learn in class.

For the record, I am very grateful for my mind being opened to this small revolution.I used to be that 'bookish' type of girl who depends a lot on notes whenever I'm thrown with any legal questions or opinion.It's really not cool to be that kind of person--seriously.With this new attitude towards learning ,I hope that would do me a great favour when I start working soon.Of course I am opened to new and better changes if that's for the best.So far, this is one of  the things I think I could really rely on as a future graduate.

But i know, that is not all, as the real expectations we've always heard from those who have joined the work force is-skills.this 6-letter word is the most valuable thing any employer would run after in considering a new employee.I have always been an avid believer in this too.While knowledge makes you smart, it's the skills that take you far in life,realistically speaking.Well, we all know that.To be honest, I am still lacking with this--far from satisfactory,let alone perfect.Skills needed here is of course the so-called social skills, working etiquette--just to name a few.This is one of those things that worry me most for my working life later.

Despite all these, the good thing is--everything is so uncertain now,to say the least.I hope to see myself grow better in those skills one day since we all thrive on them!May He make this journey smooth and a bearable one for me to get through.I know there's more to life than all this--like kawin and all!lol heehehee but let's face it people--even choosing your life partner involves skills!

That's that I guess.

Dear diary,i dunno when will we meet again(seriously i have to make this clear to you haha) but till then, I hope this would suffice for now to at least update a lil bit bout myself.

Say happy graduating to me ;))

    The final-year selfie in the library 😅😁